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  • Kefir solution: fighting cellulite

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-01 08:48:05

    Cellulite is a problem that many women want to solve, but preparations to combat it are expensive. However, there is an affordable solution - kefir. Using kefir to fight cellulite can be effective and more affordable. To do this, it is necessary to slightly heat kefir to a warm state, but not to boiling, and add 10 drops of rose or other essential oil, such as orange or lemon.

    The mixture should be applied to the problem areas with cellulite in a circular motion, then wrap these areas with a chiffon or food film, and put on cotton tights before going to bed. In the morning, the mixture should be washed off, and in the evening repeat the procedure. This course should be carried out for 10 days in a row, then take a break for 10-14 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

    The effectiveness of kefir in the fight against cellulite is due to its ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, as well as improve blood microcirculation. This helps to reduce the formation of fat deposits and improve the condition of the skin.

    It is important to remember that kefir procedure should be part of a comprehensive approach to fighting cellulite, which also includes proper nutrition, regular exercise and massage of problem areas.

    However, before you start using kefir to fight cellulite, it is worth consulting a doctor, especially if you have any medical contraindications or allergies to the components of the mixture.

    Kefir wrapping is not only a way to fight cellulite, but also a pleasant procedure for relaxation and skin care.


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