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  • The secret of health: probiotics and prebiotics

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-02 08:48:08

    The microflora of the intestine, which includes billions of bacteria, plays an important role in the functioning of the human digestive system. Beneficial bacteria help to digest food and nutrients, but their balance can be disturbed by various factors. How do prebiotics and probiotics help maintain the health of the intestine and the whole body?

    Probiotics: Living Helpers
    Probiotics are products containing living cells of useful microflora. One of the most famous probiotic products is yogurt. Other examples include:

    Dairy products: yogurt, buttermilk, kefir, cottage cheese, mature cheeses.
    Soy products: miso, pace.
    Fruits and vegetables: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled cucumbers.
    Other products: wine, dough bread, tofu, soy sauce.
    These microorganisms support the immune system, help in the absorption of nutrients and maintain the health of the intestine and urinary system. They also help reduce cholesterol, improve skin and respiratory health, and even help with weight loss.

    Role of probiotics in the body
    Probiotics have important functions:

    Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
    They break down food during digestion.
    Synthesizes vitamins in the intestines.
    Changing the acidity in the intestine.
    Probiotic foods and supplements help to compensate for shortages of probiotics in the diet, which is especially important under conditions of stress, malnutrition and environmental pollution.

    Prebiotics: food for probiotics
    Prebiotics are non-soluble carbohydrates that feed probiotics. Prebiotics include inulin, fructooligosacharides, polydextrose, arabinogalactan, lactulosis and lactitol. Prebiotics enter the intestine, where they are fermented by beneficial bacteria, stimulating their growth and activity.


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