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  • Calcium deficiency: the importance of balance

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-29 15:28:28

    Calcium is an important nutrient needed for bone, tooth, heart rate and many other processes in the body. The daily calcium requirement ranges from 1000 to 1500 mg.

    Calcium deficiency symptoms

    Calcium deficiency manifests itself in various symptoms, including muscle spasms, dry skin and brittle nails, increased premenstrual syndrome and increased bone fragility. Anxiety, irritability and other psychological manifestations can also occur.

    Reasons for the deficit

    Hypopathoreosis, genetic mutations, the use of certain drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs, and other conditions can lead to a lack of calcium in the body.

    Treatment and prevention

    Intravenous administration of calcium may be required for acute hypocalcemia. In easier cases, it is recommended to take supplements with calcium and vitamin D, as well as correction of the diet with an increase in the consumption of calcium-rich products.

    Prevention of calcium deficiency

    In order to prevent calcium deficiency, it is important to monitor and provide sufficient calcium. This is especially important for post-menopause women who are at increased risk of osteoporosis.

    All this underlines the importance of calcium balance in the body and careful attention to its level for the health of the bones, heart and other systems of the body.



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