The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has developed new amendments to the Regulations on Military Service, which allow contract soldiers and conscripts aged 18 to 24 to serve and receive higher education at the same time. This decision is of great importance for young people who want to combine service in the army with studying at higher educational institutions of the country.
According to the new amendments, servicemen who have signed a contract or have been called up for service will be able to study at universities or other higher education institutions, provided that they receive permission from the commander of the military unit or the higher command. This permission will be issued through an order by the military unit, which will provide official confirmation of training during service.
This innovation will allow young people aged 18 to 24 to combine service in the Armed Forces with professional education, which will significantly expand their career opportunities both in the army and in civilian life. The Ministry of Defense notes that such changes are important for servicemen who signed a contract under the "Contract 18-24" program. This will give them a chance not only to perform their duties in the army, but also to develop the skills necessary for a civilian career.
The program developed by the Ministry of Defense has already received approval from the Cabinet of Ministers and will soon be submitted for signature to the President of Ukraine. This is an important step in expanding opportunities for young people who want to serve in the army, but do not want to give up higher education.
The "Contract 18-24" program is voluntary and is addressed to Ukrainians aged 18 to 24 who are ready to join the Defense Forces for a period of one year. Within the framework of this program, participants will receive decent wages, professional training and social guarantees. The contract provides for a cash allowance of 1 million hryvnias, of which 200 thousand hryvnias are paid immediately, and the rest of the amount is paid during the service.
In addition, program participants will receive a monthly stipend of up to UAH 120,000. They will also have the opportunity to take advantage of a "zero" mortgage, free medical care, including dental prosthetics, and the right to travel abroad after completing a year of service. This creates additional incentives for young people who want to combine service with education and the implementation of their career plans.