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  • Poland is becoming increasingly attractive for migrant workers

    Опубликовано: 2025-03-17 15:00:20

    Poland continues to attract migrant workers, particularly Ukrainians, thanks to rising wages and stable working conditions. According to a recent survey, 85% of Ukrainians working in Poland are satisfied with their wages, which correspond to their qualifications. In addition, 70% of respondents noted that they manage to save money regularly.

    These data are provided by the analytical center of the international employment company Gremi Personal. Rising wages are one of the main factors that increase employee satisfaction and make Poland increasingly attractive for migrant workers. A further increase in the minimum and average wages in the country is expected as early as 2025.

    From January 1, 2025, the minimum wage in Poland will be PLN 4,626 gross (UAH 42,600), and from July 1, it will increase to PLN 4,825 gross (UAH 44,400). After deducting taxes, which amount to 20%, employees will receive PLN 3,701 net (UAH 34,000) from January and PLN 3,860 net (UAH 35,500) from July.

    The average wage in Poland also continues to grow. In 2024, it was PLN 7,874 gross (UAH 72,400), which after taxes gives about PLN 5,681 net (UAH 52,300). It is predicted that in 2025 the average salary in Poland will reach PLN 8,673 gross, which after taxes will be PLN 6,938.40 (UAH 74,780).

    These figures significantly exceed the level of salaries in Ukraine. Thus, in February 2025 the average salary in Ukraine was only UAH 23,500, which is almost three times less than in Poland. Such a significant difference in income is an important factor that can affect the mobility of Ukrainians after the end of the war and become a barrier to returning to their homeland.

    Analysts note that wages are one of the key factors determining labor migration of Ukrainians. The survey also indicates that a significant part of the respondents changed jobs several times. Thus, 23% of the surveyed Ukrainians changed jobs twice, another 22% - three times, 17% - once, and 9% - four times. At the same time, 18% of respondents did not change jobs at all, which indicates stability and satisfaction with working conditions.

    Compared to the survey conducted in August 2023, one can see an increase in mobility in the labor market. Then 50% of respondents did not change jobs, and only 4% of respondents reported having had more than three job changes.

    The survey was conducted from January to February 2025 through electronic questionnaires, and the total number of respondents was 1,085 people.


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