200 companies in the UK have officially adopted a four-day workweek for their employees, while maintaining full pay. The move is part of an experiment that demonstrates a gradual shift in corporate approaches to work.
According to the 4 Day Week Foundation, one of the main organisations supporting the initiative, more than 5,000 people work in companies that have joined the programme. The biggest supporters of the move to a shorter workweek come from organisations in the marketing, technology and charity sectors, which demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of these sectors to new working conditions.
Joe Ryle, campaign manager for the 4 Day Week Foundation, says the traditional five-day workweek, which was established over 100 years ago, no longer meets modern requirements and realities. According to him, a four-day workweek allows employees to devote more time to personal matters and rest, which significantly improves their quality of life.
This approach, according to Rail, not only helps to improve the general well-being of employees, but also brings benefits to the business. Reducing working hours does not affect productivity, because companies achieve the same results in fewer hours. It also helps to retain employees and attract new ones, because a four-day workweek is becoming an important advantage in the highly competitive labor market.
The introduction of a 4-day workweek also helps reduce stress among employees and improves their psychological state. This allows them to achieve not only professional, but also personal goals, which leads to increased overall motivation and job satisfaction.
Experts note that although a 4-day workweek has not yet become the standard for all companies in the UK, this trend may spread in the future, as more and more companies find benefits in this format of work. The number of companies adopting this approach is growing, and this could be a new stage in the development of corporate culture and work organization on a global level.
Such a change in the organization of the work process can also have a positive impact on the overall state of the economy, as increased employee satisfaction with work often leads to more efficient use of working time and resources.