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  • Decriminalization of petty theft

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-19 10:00:16

    The Ukrainian Parliament took a significant step in the direction of reforming the legal system by adopting draft law No. 11068 on administrative liability for property theft. According to the new amendments, which entered into force on July 18, thefts of up to 3,000 hryvnias will no longer be subject to criminal prosecution.

    On the initiative of People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, with the support of 243 deputies, changes were adopted that establish a new threshold of criminal responsibility at the level of 3,000 hryvnias. This means that petty theft, which was previously considered a crime, is now recognized only as an administrative offense.

    On the one hand, the new norm increases fines for petty theft. For example, for the theft of property in the amount of up to 757 hryvnias, a fine of 850 to 1,700 hryvnias is provided. In the case when the amount of the theft is from 758 to 3028 hryvnias, the fine can reach from 1700 to 5100 hryvnias, and for repeated offenses the sanctions are significantly increased - from 8500 to 17000 hryvnias.

    The new version of the law also takes into account the peculiarities of the time: in connection with the martial law in Ukraine, theft is automatically classified as a serious crime under the Criminal Code, which can lead to imprisonment for a period of five to eight years.

    One of the main arguments for the adoption of the new legislation was the rationalization of court procedures and the reduction of the burden on the criminal justice system. These changes, according to the legislators, will contribute to a more effective fight against minor offenses and ensure proper responsibility for administrative offenses.

    The adoption of draft law No. 11068 opens a new stage in the development of the Ukrainian legal system, designed to ensure greater justice and efficiency in the protection of citizens' rights.


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