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  • The governments of Ukraine and Poland are considering opening four new border crossing points

    Опубликовано: 2024-01-24 09:30:28

    The governments of Ukraine and Poland are considering opening four new border crossing points on the border between the two countries. This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal after a meeting with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk.

    "With Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, we discussed the issue of unimpeded movement of goods across our borders. We believe that today the issue has been resolved, the border has been unblocked, and the joint work is working," Shmyhal emphasized.

    In addition, Shmyhal added that they discussed the possibility of introducing joint border control and modernizing existing checkpoints. "We have an ambition to create four more new checkpoints in addition to the existing 14," the Prime Minister of Ukraine said.

    Additionally, according to Shmyhal, Tusk supported the initiative to involve Polish business in the construction of the Krakovets-Lviv-Brody-Rivne highway on concessionary terms.

    For his part, Donald Tusk noted that the new procedures that have been put in place at the border for carriers have led to "very qualitative changes at the border crossing." This indicates the active cooperation of both countries in developing efficient and modern border crossing mechanisms, which contributes to improved trade and economic growth at the regional level.


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