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  • Criticism of draft laws on mobilization in Ukraine

    Опубликовано: 2024-01-09 10:30:12

    Businesses have strongly criticized draft laws on mobilization, military registration, and liability for military offenses. According to the European Business Association (EBA), businesses have expressed some concern about provisions that may violate the Constitution of Ukraine.

    The impact of the adoption of these draft laws on Ukraine's economy and reputation remains a big question mark. According to the EBA, the stable functioning of the economy determines the effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as money from taxes and fees is the main source of funding for the army.

    Businesses see a threat in the proposed regulations, which could lead to an increase in "envelope salaries," unofficial employment, outflow of foreign investment, and deterioration of business conditions. According to the EBA, the level of business conditions is already negatively assessed at 2.44 out of 5 points at the end of 2023.

    Businesses are concerned that some provisions of the draft laws may restrict the basic rights of Ukrainian citizens, including the right to obtain identity and citizenship documents.

    Business representatives say that expanding the powers of local authorities in the field of mobilization may lead to less control over the process due to its decentralization. They also oppose the idea of relying on non-specialized structures to deliver summonses, believing that this could lead to additional burden and confusion.

    Businesses see a risk of the system collapsing due to the shortened timeframe for persons liable for military service to clarify their data. They call for finalizing the draft laws and express hope that the voice of business will be taken into account, ensuring that the interests of the economy and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are taken into account.

    The general opinion of the business community is that a reasonable and well-thought-out strategy is the key to successful implementation of mobilization in a difficult period for the country.


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