Grain bread is not just a tasty product, but also a real treasure trove of vitamins, trace elements and ballast substances. Since ancient times, bread and bakery products have occupied an honorable place in the diet of many peoples. Although bread is most often made from wheat flour, other cereal crops such as corn, rice, barley, sorghum, etc., predominate in various parts of the world.
Grain bread has become a particularly valuable product containing a wealth of vitamins and trace elements. It is important to realize that not all bread is equally useful. Modern technology suggests the use of high-quality flour, but this is not always beneficial. Doctors-nutritionists recommend preferring bread made from whole-grain flour to preserve vitamins, minerals and proteins.
The benefit of grain bread is the preservation of vitamins and micronutrients, especially in the seed coat. This type of bread contains abundant amounts of vitamins B, A, E and PP, as well as elements such as potassium, sodium, molybdenum, phosphorus, iodine, iron and calcium.
The high dietary fiber content makes grain bread especially beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber improves intestinal microflora, helps lower cholesterol and binds intestinal bile acids, preventing atherosclerosis.
Of particular interest is vitamin B1, known as thiamine. Lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to beri-beri disease, as was the case in Southeast Asian countries in the last century. Cereal bread is an excellent source of vitamin B1, making it not only tasty but also healthy.
Many people, in an effort to lose weight, eliminate bread from their diet. However, moderate consumption of grain bread not only keeps off extra pounds, but also boosts your mood thanks to B vitamins. Regular inclusion of grain bread in the diet can prove beneficial for the body's metabolic processes and lowering the glycemic index.
Grain bread is not just a food, it is a source of health and energy that is worth including in your diet to keep your body functioning properly.