Motion sickness in a child during a trip can be caused by motion sickness, or motion sickness, which is associated with irritation of the vestibular apparatus of the body when changing the position of the body. This unpleasant symptom is accompanied by weakness, headache, nausea, and other unpleasant sensations. What can you do to help your child cope with motion sickness?
Prepare ahead of time: One hour before leaving, give your child a motion sickness medicine that your pediatrician has recommended. This may help prevent or reduce symptoms of motion sickness.
Control nutrition: Don't feed your child fatty or overly large meals before traveling. It is also important to avoid eating on an empty stomach, as this can contribute to motion sickness. Prepare light snacks such as lemon slices, orange slices, pickles, sour candy and mineral water.
Create a comfortable atmosphere: Calm the child and explain that the trip should not be frightening. Avoid reminding him of possible motion sickness symptoms so as not to increase his anxiety.
Pay attention to road conditions: The driver should avoid sharp turns and speed bumps, as these can aggravate motion sickness. Also, terrains with lots of turns can be provocateurs of motion sickness.
Choose your seat wisely: When riding the bus, it is preferable to get tickets in the front seats, farther away from gasoline smells, and so that your child can see the view from the side windows and look forward. This can help reduce symptoms of motion sickness.
Train the vestibular system: Regularly train your child's vestibular system using playful methods. This may include riding merry-go-rounds, swings, spinning games, and other activities that will help strengthen balance.
In case the baby's motion sickness becomes a serious problem and has neurological causes, it is worth contacting a neurologist. He will be able to conduct the necessary examination and offer appropriate treatment, including drugs for motion sickness.