At first glance, the idea of using cool air to lose weight may seem unusual, but Dutch researchers from Maastricht University Hospital provide scientific evidence that a slightly cooler room can have a positive effect on weight loss.
Many of us prefer to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors, minimizing the energy cost of keeping our bodies warm as much as possible. However, researchers claim that giving your body the ability to maintain its own temperature can help burn extra fat.
This does not mean you have to freeze indoors. The researchers recommend just a slight decrease in temperature. It turns out that the body can benefit from this "coolness."
Brown adipose tissue plays a major role in maintaining optimal body temperature, and as we age, the amount of this tissue decreases. Normally brown adipose tissue remains inactive, but spending time in a cool room can activate it. This means that the body will expend more energy to keep warm, which can help reduce fat deposits.
Despite the interesting results of the study, the authors note that it is too early to draw definitive conclusions about how to use coolness for weight loss. Additional research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of this method.
In any case, it may be worth considering giving your body a break from its comfortable environment from time to time and letting it handle a little coolness, as it may prove to be another tool on the road to a healthy figure.