How many times have we heard the advice: "Don't eat after six if you want to stay in shape!" But what should you do if you can't stomach a bite in the morning, you can only grab a sandwich during the day, and in the evening, tired after a day at work, you want to eat everything in the fridge?
A familiar situation: first you enjoy dinner - soup, chicken leg with a side dish, tea with something sweet - and then you feel guilty about what you ate. And again you promise yourself that from tomorrow everything will be different...
Why do you want to eat in the evening?
Morning refusal to eat and strong evening hunger are not uncommon. Nature arranged it so that our ancestors got food during the day, and in the evening they rewarded themselves with a hearty meal. But unlike ancient hunters who spent a lot of energy, modern people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, all the calories eaten at night turn into excess weight. To avoid this, it is important not only to control your diet, but also to find ways to spend energy.
how to balance your diet without strict prohibitions
If you cannot refuse a heavy dinner, try to reconsider its composition. Give preference to lean meat, fish, vegetables, light side dishes. Avoid heavy, fatty dishes that overload the digestive system.
You should also reconsider your diet: breakfast and lunch should be complete, so that in the evening there is no uncontrollable feeling of hunger. If it is difficult to organize a full meal during the day, take healthy snacks with you - nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese or fruit.
how to burn calories without grueling workouts
Not everyone likes the idea of regular trips to the gym. But physical activity can be enjoyable! Long walks, dancing, swimming or yoga will help not only to stay in shape, but also to enjoy the movement. Even 20-30 minutes of active activity per day will help avoid the accumulation of excess calories.
In addition, modern health methods offer alternative ways to stay in shape without heavy loads. Toning tables, vibration platforms, infrared procedures and other innovative techniques help improve metabolism and increase energy levels.
Find a replacement for evening snacks
Often, the desire to eat at night is associated not so much with hunger as with the need for comfort. Create rituals that will help you relax without eating: reading a book, aromatherapy, light music or a walk before bed.
If dinner is also a way to distract yourself while watching a movie, try replacing the habit: instead of snacking, do something else - for example, give yourself a hand massage or draw something. Small changes can have a noticeable effect.
The main thing is not to drive yourself into strict limits and not to experience stress because of food. Healthy balance and moderation will help you feel better and stay in harmony with yourself!