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  • How to overcome spring vitamin deficiency and improve your health

    Опубликовано: 2024-09-19 08:48:48

    With the arrival of spring, when nature comes to life and begins to bloom, many of us face the problem of vitamin deficiency. This period, when winter frosts and colds are left behind, is often accompanied by such an unpleasant condition as vitamin deficiency. Lack of sunlight and vitamins in the winter months weakens our body, making it vulnerable to various diseases. In order for spring to bring joy and energy, you should pay special attention to your health.

    Causes and consequences of vitamin deficiency

    Vitamin deficiency is a condition caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. It can manifest itself in the form of rapid fatigue, decreased performance, irritability and frequent colds. Vitamin deficiency also leads to a weakening of the immune system, which increases the risk of various diseases. Despite the fact that true vitamin deficiency is rare, many of us suffer from hypovitaminosis - a lack of certain vitamins, which can be easily prevented by following simple rules.

    Key vitamins for spring

    In spring, the body requires special attention to the intake of vitamins. Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, plays an important role in protecting the body from infections. It is found in citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips and other products. Vitamin D, produced under the influence of sunlight, is responsible for the absorption of calcium and maintaining bone health. Vitamin A helps improve vision and strengthen the skeleton, and B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and metabolism. Each of these vitamins can be found in everyday products, but it is important to know how to preserve their beneficial properties.

    how to preserve vitamins in products

    When preparing food, you should follow a few simple rules to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in products. Store vegetables and fruits in a cool, dark place, do not soak them in water for a long time and try not to subject them to prolonged heat treatment. For example, vitamin C is destroyed by boiling, so it is better to add fresh herbs to dishes just before serving. Prepare salads shortly before eating them, and if this is not possible, store chopped vegetables in the refrigerator, but do not season them with oil or mayonnaise in advance.

    Choosing products and their correct use

    Your spring menu should be varied and include vegetables, fruits, greens, cereals and animal products. Pay attention to the appearance of the products: fresh fruits and greens contain more vitamins. Try to buy products as needed, avoiding long-term storage so that they do not lose their beneficial properties. During the cooking process, try to minimize the loss of vitamins, following the recommendations given.

    Proper nutrition is the key to health in spring

    Spring vitamin deficiency can be successfully overcome if you pay attention to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Including vitamin-rich foods in your diet, following the rules for storing and preparing them will help you maintain vigor and energy throughout the spring season. Let this spring be a time of renewal and health for you!


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