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  • How Ukrainians save electricity: survey results and practical advice

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-01 13:00:25

    According to a survey conducted on the official Rakuten Viber Ukraine channel, 85% of Ukrainians have reduced their energy costs in order to support the energy system. The main areas of saving include turning off unnecessary devices, limiting the use of air conditioners and lights, as well as less use of kitchen appliances.

    In particular, half of the respondents (42%) indicated that they save electricity in all areas of their lives, including air conditioners, lighting and kitchen appliances. The other 20% try to follow the advice on energy efficient consumption, but this is not always possible.

    A third of respondents (30%) save electricity only in cases when the authorities warn about limiting consumption. This emphasizes the high awareness of citizens regarding the importance of rational use of energy resources in critical moments.

    However, there are also those who do not pay much attention to energy efficiency: 8% of respondents believe that they do not consume enough energy, and 7% face limited time to implement energy-saving regulations.

    When asked about the main methods of saving electricity, the voters' answers were distributed as follows:

    More than a third of Ukrainians (18%) actively turn off all unused devices from the network. This approach allows you to significantly reduce unnecessary energy consumption during the inactive mode of devices.

    Dozens of respondents (15% each) refuse to turn on air conditioners and lights when possible, which is an effective way to reduce electricity costs.

    Nine percent of respondents reduced the use of kitchen appliances, such as kettles, stoves and dishwashers, which also helps save electricity in the home.

    Only a small proportion of the respondents (1%) actively put appliances into energy-saving mode or adjust the temperature in the refrigerator, which are more technically complex, but quite effective energy-saving methods.

    In general, the results of the survey indicate a high level of awareness among Ukrainians of the need for rational use of energy resources and a willingness to adhere to energy-efficient standards in everyday life.


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