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  • Secrets of a slim figure: practical tips for weight loss

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-27 08:48:07

    Losing weight is an eternal and relevant topic. Many know that slow and systematic weight loss is more useful and effective, but not everyone manages to follow this rule for a long time. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. Proper weight loss is not only a diet regime, but also a lifestyle in general, including mood and way of thinking. If you are ready for gradual, and therefore the most effective weight loss with long-term maintenance of the result, follow these simple tips.

    Good nutrition

    What is proper nutrition? It should be stable, without excess or starvation. The total caloric content of the daily diet should not exceed 1600 calories, which will allow you to gradually reduce weight without compromising your health. Do not rely on diets with a high protein content - this can lead to serious malfunctions in the body.

    Calmness and patience

    Often at the first signs of weight loss, people believe that the goal has been achieved and return to previous habits. This is a big mistake. Even after reaching the desired weight, it is important to maintain it. Show patience and continue to follow an effective diet regimen that gets results.

    High self-organization

    After dieting, it is important not to neglect the rules you followed. For example, after a multi-week diet, you should not start eating chips in front of the TV again. Organize yourself so that you do not give in to temptation. The slightest shift towards junk food can stop the weight loss process or lead to rapid weight gain. Keep a food diary, writing down everything you eat for the day to analyze and avoid making the same mistakes again.

    Maintaining habits

    Keep the regimen you followed during the diet as long as possible. This applies to the number of meals you eat, how much you eat, no snacking and sticking to your daily calorie intake. These simple techniques will help you maintain your weight and avoid the need for short-term diets.

    Moderate consumption of all foods

    Dieting is about healthy eating, not hard restrictions. You can and should eat everything, but in moderate amounts. The amount of food will be different for each type of food: for vegetables and fruits is one, for a sweet dessert - another. You need to consume enough complex carbohydrates and seafood to maintain energy and heart health.

    More fruits and vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, but are low in calories. They are indispensable for proper and healthy weight loss. The main rule is minimal heat treatment, especially avoid frying in oil.

    Limit fats

    Fats are the number one enemy of weight loss. Include lean meats and fish in your menu, limit butter consumption and use vegetable oils in moderation. Useful fats can be obtained from nuts. Eliminate prepared foods cooked in fat and canned foods with high salt content from your diet.

    No to stress and depression

    Physical and mental well-being are interconnected. Don't see dieting as a restriction that ruins your mood. Avoid stressful situations that can trigger overeating.

    Physical activity

    Without physical activity, it is impossible to achieve success in weight loss. It is enough to walk briskly for half an hour every day. Change habits to useful ones: take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk a few bus stops. Any activity will be beneficial: an hour of walking around the supermarket burns 215 calories. Don't neglect shopping, it can be good for your figure.


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