Phthalates, chemicals widely used in cosmetics, are worrying scientists because of their potential health effects. These substances are found in scented lotions, body creams, and most perfumes. American researchers have concluded that phthalates may increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women.
Phthalates are now present in most people's lives, and women tend to have higher levels of them in their bodies than men. This is due to the active use of cosmetics, which often contain fragrances, which are where phthalates hide. However, scientists warn that such contact with these substances can have serious health consequences.
A recent study of 2,350 women found that those with high levels of phthalates in their bodies were twice as likely to develop diabetes as women with low levels of these chemicals. Moreover, in women who did not yet suffer from diabetes, blood glucose levels were directly related to the level of phthalates in the body. Those who had more phthalates showed higher glucose levels.
Researchers explain this phenomenon by the fact that phthalates affect cells that play a key role in glucose metabolism and the formation of fat cells. When phthalates enter the body, they can bind to these cells and disrupt their normal functioning, which leads to various metabolic disorders, including diabetes.
One of the biggest problems is that cosmetic manufacturers are not required to report the content of phthalates in their products. If a product contains fragrances, it almost certainly contains phthalates. This leaves consumers with minimal options for choice and protection of their health.
To minimize the risk of exposure to phthalates, experts recommend being more careful when choosing cosmetics, giving preference to products labeled "phthalate-free." This will reduce the potential harm from these chemicals and reduce the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes.