Many of us constantly think about losing weight, but it turns out that it is excessive thoughts about diets that can lead to the opposite result - weight gain. Recently, doctors conducted a study that showed that an inadequate assessment of one's own body and a constant desire to lose weight sometimes become the cause of obesity. Interesting results were obtained after 11 years of observing teenagers, whose ages ranged from 13 to 19 years.
During the study, scientists observed 1,200 participants, and it turned out that those who considered themselves "fat" in adolescence actually faced the problem of obesity over time. Moreover, this process turned out to be much more pronounced in those who constantly thought about losing weight. Of the 60% of girls and 63% of guys who were confident in their "fatness", almost half subsequently gained excess weight.
As for those who did not perceive themselves as overweight, the weight gain rates were significantly lower. Only 30% of girls and 48% of guys who did not have complexes about their bodies were faced with obesity. This fact proves that excessive concern about your appearance and constant thoughts about diets not only do not contribute to weight loss, but can also aggravate the problem.
When we are constantly worried about weight, we tend to make the wrong decisions about nutrition. For example, many begin to exhaust themselves with strict diets that can limit the body in essential substances. From time to time, we can also skip meals, hoping that this will speed up the weight loss process. However, such measures only contribute to a slowdown in metabolism and can lead to faster weight gain than if we had a balanced diet.
In addition, the frequent feeling of guilt for eating excess food can lead to stress and depression, which also affects our body. Constant stress causes the release of hormones that contribute to the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal area. Thus, the fight against excess weight through constant thoughts about it becomes a vicious circle.
It is important to remember that to maintain a healthy weight, you need to not only eat right, but also learn to love yourself and not criticize every decision you make. A diet should not be a punishment, but a healthy eating norm, where it is important not to exclude your favorite foods, but to learn to eat them in reasonable quantities. After all, harmony with yourself and a reasonable approach to nutrition are the real path to long-term success and good physical shape.