Blueberries have long been known for their healing properties. It helps to maintain health, rejuvenate the body and cleanse it of toxins. Moreover, in its composition found little-studied substances that, according to scientists, may be useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer. That is why blueberry leaves began to be actively used in medicine to fight neoplasms.
One of the main features of blueberries is its ability to reduce blood sugar levels, which makes it a valuable product for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it has antibacterial and anthelmintic properties. Decoctions and infusions based on blueberries are especially useful for digestive disorders, as well as an aid for children of any age, including infants.
Blueberries actively fight pathogenic microbes, including those resistant to antibiotics. They eliminate toxins, bind bacterial poisons and kill putrefactive bacteria. Regular consumption of blueberries helps to establish the digestive tract, rid the body of decay products and reduce unpleasant odors. In addition, blueberries are effective in killing intestinal parasites such as pinworms. Studies at the University Hospital of Helsinki have proven its high effectiveness in the treatment of worms in children.
Dried blueberries - an indispensable element of the home medicine cabinet. They retain useful properties and are convenient to use. However, it is important to remember that blueberries collected near highways or cities can be dangerous due to the high content of lead and other harmful substances. Therefore, you should pick berries in ecologically clean places.
The peculiarities of blueberry consumption also require attention. For example, whole berries regulate stools, and juice or strained decoction have a consolidating effect, so they are used in diarrhea. Blueberries not only strengthen health, but can also become an excellent assistant in the fight against various diseases, if you approach its use correctly.