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  • Apple lost a court case in the European Union for 13 billion euros: what it means for tax policy

    Опубликовано: 2024-09-11 14:00:02

    Apple has been defeated in a major court case related to non-payment of taxes in Ireland. The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled in favor of the European Commission, upholding its 2016 ruling that Ireland had breached state aid law. According to the court's decision, Ireland must return 13 billion euros in unpaid taxes to Apple.

    As reported by Bloomberg, this decision was an important step in strengthening the EU's measures on tax benefits given to large corporations. The European Court of Justice overturned a previous lower court ruling that had previously upheld Apple's position and confirmed that Ireland had given the US tech giant an unfair tax advantage.

    The court decision is a significant victory for European Commissioner for Competition Margareta Vestager. She initiated the investigation into the Apple case and held her position for two consecutive terms. Vestager is leaving her post in the near future, and the decision bolsters her efforts to fight tax evasion.

    The funds that the European Commission demanded to be collected from Apple were reserved in advance in a special account pending the final court verdict. This allows the EU to ensure the return of due tax revenues and to demonstrate its determination in the fight against tax abuse by large companies.

    The decision of the European Court has far-reaching consequences not only for Apple, but also for other large corporations that enjoy tax breaks. It can become the basis for revising tax policies in the EU and strengthening control over compliance with tax legislation.

    It is important to note that this case highlights the trend towards stricter control over tax agreements and benefits granted by states to large international companies. This decision could change approaches to tax benefits and set new precedents for future tax law litigation.


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