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  • Stable energy supply for the next three months: what awaits Ukraine?

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-31 09:30:29

    For the next three months, Ukraine can expect a stable energy supply with minimal blackouts, if there are no new attacks on the energy infrastructure. Such forecasts were expressed by Yuriy Boyko, adviser to the prime minister on energy issues, during the "Kyiv-24" broadcast.

    According to him, thanks to favorable weather conditions and a decrease in air temperature, the volume of electricity production in the country has increased significantly. He also emphasized that Ukraine is currently in a state of relative energy balance, which helps minimize the risk of major outages.

    "Unfortunately, we are weather-dependent and today in a relative balance. If there are no external influences, we will be in this relative balance... we have to live for the next three months at least," Yuriy Boyko explained, stressing that the risks of electricity restrictions in this period will be minimal.

    According to experts, even if there are restrictions, they will not be large-scale and will not significantly affect daily functioning. Such a forecast is perceived by the market as a positive signal for enterprises and citizens that depend on stable energy supply.

    The Ukrainian energy system continues to strengthen its capacities and recover from past challenges and crisis situations. At the same time, it is important to note that the development of alternative energy sources and infrastructure modernization remain priority tasks of the national energy security strategy.

    In general, the predicted stable energy supply for the next three months creates favorable conditions for further economic growth and development of the country, increasing the confidence of Ukrainians in the future.


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