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  • Turkey left FATF's «grey list»: what does it mean for the country?

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-01 18:00:38

    Turkey has been removed from the "grey list" of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) after successfully implementing an action plan to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. This decision was taken during the 6th FATF General Assembly, which took place from June 23 to 28. Vice President of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz announced this.

    "Thanks to the action plan we completed to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, Turkey has been removed from the gray list. Thanks to this development, the confidence of international investors in the financial system of our country has strengthened even more," the vice president said in a message.

    The Vice President of Turkey is sure that this decision will have very positive consequences for various sectors of the country's economy and will contribute to the acceleration of the inflow of international resources.

    "Increasing interest in assets in the Turkish lira due to the acceleration of capital inflows to our country will also speed up the disinflation process," Yilmaz added.

    Exclusion from the FATF gray list is an important step for Turkey to improve the international perception of its financial system and ensure compliance with international standards in the field of combating financial crimes.

    This step can also contribute to the attraction of new investments in the country's economy, which is an important factor for the stabilization and development of the national economy.

    According to analysts' estimates, Turkey's exit from the FATF "grey list" strengthened the confidence of international partners in the country's economic potential and created favorable conditions for further economic growth.


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