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  • How to protect your hair from winter cold: care tips

    Опубликовано: 2024-09-01 15:28:59

    Winter is a difficult time for our hair. With the onset of cold they become dry, dull and brittle, and constant temperature fluctuations, dry air in rooms and use of appliances aggravate the situation. To maintain the health and beauty of your hair during this period, you need to pay special attention to their care. Properly selected tools and techniques will help your hair look well-groomed and beautiful even on the frostiest days.

    One of the main problems of winter is the sudden temperature changes. In the street, hair is exposed to cold, which slows blood circulation of the scalp and reduces the nourishment of the hair. At the same time, in heated rooms the air becomes very dry, which leads to rapid dewatering of hair. To help hair cope with these conditions, it is important to choose products that will provide them with deep nutrition and moisturization.

    In the cold season, special attention should be paid to choosing shampoo and conditioner. They must be nutritious to maintain hair in good condition. Once or twice a week, use the nutritional masks that will provide extra care. Products containing oils such as almond and coconut are ideal for hair restoration. These oils not only nourish the hair, but also create a protective film that retains moisture and prevents resealing.

    Oils play an important role in the care of hair in winter. They help to compensate for the lipid deficiency that occurs due to cold and dry air. The oils work as cement, restoring the structure of the hair and retaining the protein in place. This makes the hair softer, more obedient and protected from aggressive external factors.

    In addition to basic care, do not forget about additional protective measures. Always wear a headgear on the street to protect your hair from the cold. The cap or scarf made of natural materials will help to keep warm, without creating a greenhouse effect.



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