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  • How to maintain a healthy lifestyle without stress and restrictions

    Опубликовано: 2024-08-24 08:48:33

    The modern world is filled with tips on proper nutrition and fitness to achieve perfect shape. But sometimes it can be difficult to follow the strict rules that prescribe diets and physical exercise. Many of us face moments of weakness when we want to eat something caloric or miss a workout. It is important to understand that such moments are normal, and learn to cope with them without getting into stress. Let’s discuss how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while staying in harmony with yourself.

    Nutrition psychology: enjoy food without guilt
    Let’s start with eating. A healthy lifestyle does not require complete abandonment of favorite foods. If you are active and follow a balanced diet, sometimes you can afford something delicious and not very useful. Plan such days in advance, for example, on holidays or weekends. This will help avoid spontaneous «failures» and keep control over the diet.

    The important rule is planning. Allow yourself one «gluttonous day» a month, when you can enjoy your favorite dishes without feeling guilty. To minimize the effects, drink before your meal activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) - it will help better digest food. The next day you can arrange a day of unloading, giving up heavy food and drink only water, tea or honey water.

    Positive thinking and goals
    When it comes to motivation, you should pay attention to the formulation of your goals. Our subconscious perceives poorly a «not». Instead of saying, "Don’t eat after six," say to yourself, "Eat until six." It seems trivial, but such changes make it much easier to follow a diet.

    To keep motivation going, visualize the goal. Put a picture on your fridge that inspires you to change. It can be a photo of your target - a slim figure or the person you admire.


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