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  • Cosmeceuticals: how to choose and use products for skin health

    Опубликовано: 2024-08-15 15:28:11

    Cosmeceuticals, also known as pharmacy cosmetics, is a unique trend in cosmetology, combining elements of traditional cosmetics and medical products. These products are designed to address more serious problems than just improving the appearance of the skin: they can effectively combat acne, redness, wrinkles and pigmentation. Let's find out what you need to know about cosmeceuticals to use them as effectively as possible.

    active components of cosmeceuticals
    Cosmeceuticals contain highly active substances that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The basis of such products are retinoids, fruit acids, depigmentants and anti erythema agents. These ingredients were developed in the context of the photoaging theory, which revealed that UV radiation, along with natural skin aging, plays an important role in skin deterioration.

    Retinoids, derivatives of vitamin A, are actively used to repair sun-damaged skin. They stimulate collagen production, lighten pigmentation and help manage acne. However, their use requires caution as sensitive skin can become irritated, especially after sun exposure. Therefore, plant extracts and sunscreens are often added to reduce the risk of side effects.

    Fruit acids and their effects
    Fruit acids such as glycolic acid, citric acid and lactic acid promote skin renewal by dissolving keratinized cells and improving texture. They are especially beneficial for oily skin and for fighting acne. However, it is important to remember that after using products with fruit acids, the skin becomes more vulnerable to sun damage, so you need to protect it from the sun.

    In cosmetics, the concentration of fruit acids can vary. Mass-market products contain up to 10% fruit acids, while higher concentrations require specialist supervision.

    whitening product safety
    Hydroquinone, used for skin whitening, is effective but requires caution. It can cause serious side effects such as ochronosis - darkening of the skin - if used for long periods of time. Hydroquinone can also be absorbed into the bloodstream, so it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Safer but less effective alternatives are ruta, bearberry and parsley extracts.

    Vitamin C and its role in skin care
    Vitamin C has vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating redness and couperose. It helps strengthen blood vessel walls and reduce inflammation. Since vitamin C is not produced by the body and its deficiency can adversely affect the skin, its use in cosmetics can significantly improve its condition. To enhance the effect, you can combine the use of vitamin C with the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, such as citrus fruits and black currants.

    nutricosmetics: an internal approach to beauty
    Nutricosmetics is another aspect of cosmeceuticals, which includes capsules and pills to improve skin, hair and nails from the inside out. It is often used in combination with external products to enhance the therapeutic effect and improve overall results.

    When using cosmeceuticals, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists and use products in courses. It is not necessary to use simultaneously products of different directions, for example, first treat couperosis, and then engage in rejuvenation. Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist or a specialist in the sale of cosmetics will help to choose the right products and avoid possible complications.

    Cosmeceuticals are a powerful tool for solving complex cosmetic problems, but their use requires a competent approach and careful attitude to your own health.


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