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  • Exfoliation of dry skin: secrets of health and beauty

    Опубликовано: 2024-07-17 15:28:18

    The skin is the largest organ of the human body, which removes more than a quarter of all toxins every day. Dead skin particles, cosmetics and environmental pollutants clog the pores, becoming a barrier to toxins. This leads to their accumulation beneath the surface of the skin and the appearance of cellulite, as well as the return of toxins to the bloodstream. Getting into the habit of exfoliating dry skin with a brush can help fight cellulite, improve skin condition and keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. With just a few minutes of dry skin brushing before showering, cellulite is less noticeable and skin is clear, soft and beautiful.

    Benefits of dry skin exfoliation

    Dry skin brush exfoliation activates the lymphatic system, stimulating the lymphatic outflow channels and cleansing the body. Lymph is the fluid that carries beneficial substances to the cells and removes toxins. Dry brush exfoliation stimulates lymphatic circulation and prevents dead skin particles from clogging the pores, allowing the skin to eliminate toxins unimpeded.

    Dry brush exfoliation helps to fight cellulite - fat distributed under the skin, which causes bumps and hollows to appear on the surface. Gentle brush movements “break up” toxic accumulations of fatty deposits, helping to get rid of cellulite.

    Regular exfoliation of the skin with the brush removes dead skin particles, stimulating the natural renewal process. In addition, exfoliation stimulates blood circulation and blood flow to the skin, saturating the cells with beneficial substances.

    Exfoliation of dry skin with a brush boosts immunity, as the lymphatic system removes toxins faster, reducing the risk of infections.

    By stimulating nerve endings and evenly distributing fat under the skin, brushing treatment makes the figure slimmer and tighter. Improving blood circulation and removing the layer of dead cells makes the skin firmer, more elastic and younger looking.

    Regular exfoliation of dry skin with a brush increases the effectiveness of cosmetics by removing the top layer of dead cells, which acts as a barrier to active ingredients.

    Exfoliation and cellulite

    To exfoliate dry skin, choose a brush with soft natural fibers and a long handle for easy access to all areas of the skin. Exfoliate your skin before showering, preferably in the morning, for a few minutes.

    Start at the toes, massaging the brush over the feet. Gradually move upwards, using long strokes to clean the skin of the legs - feet, calves, knees, thighs. Use circular strokes on the buttocks, thighs and thighs. Using a long-handled brush, thoroughly clean the skin of the back. Using short circular strokes, cleanse the abdomen and chest, avoiding the sensitive décolletage area. To clean your hands and forearms, start at the fingers and use long strokes upward toward the shoulders.

    Never brush your neck or face, as the skin in these areas is sensitive and requires gentler exfoliation methods. After exfoliating with a dry brush, take a shower or bath to rinse off any remaining dead skin cells. Apply a moisturizing lotion that will absorb faster after exfoliation. Keep your brush clean: wash it thoroughly every few days and dry it.

    By adhering to these simple recommendations, you will be able to keep your skin healthy and beautiful, improving the overall condition of your body.


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