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  • Secrets of an effective salt-free diet

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-23 08:48:36

    Salt-free Japanese diet
    The salt-free Japanese diet has gained popularity due to its high efficiency. The first results are noticeable in just a few days after the beginning: weight is reduced, body volume decreases. This happens not only because of fat burning, but also due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

    The role of salt in nutrition
    Salt has become an integral part of our diet. Ancient people started salting food to improve the flavor, and this habit has become a necessity. However, some peoples, such as the Chukchi and Eskimos, do without salt, obtaining the necessary sodium from animal foods. In Europe and America, salt is often consumed in excess, which can have a negative impact on health.

    Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than six to seven grams of salt per day, including salt found in foods. Salt is an excellent preservative, so there is a lot of it in canned goods, smoked meats and convenience foods. Salt is also added to confectionery and baked goods, so often the daily norm of salt is significantly exceeded unnoticed by the person.

    Harms of excess salt intake
    Excessive salt intake retains water in the body, creating an additional load on the kidneys, which leads to edema and high blood pressure. Salt negatively affects the blood vessels, increasing the permeability of their walls, which can lead to various diseases. It also impairs the breakdown of cholesterol, increasing its level in the blood, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Regular excess salt leads to hypertension and worsens the appearance, causing swelling and the appearance of cellulite.

    How to reduce salt intake
    It is impossible to completely abandon salt, since sodium is contained in almost all products. However, you can reduce its consumption by avoiding sausages, smoked meats, canned food, salted fish and fast food. It is better to salt food moderately or dosalivate already prepared dishes in the plate.

    Various salt-free diets, such as the Japanese diet, help to get rid of the habit of over-salting food. After two weeks without salt, a person begins to appreciate the natural flavor of foods and can do with a minimum amount of salt, which helps to maintain the achieved weight.

    Disadvantages of a salt-free diet
    The main disadvantage of the salt-free diet is the unsteadiness of the results. The weight lost due to fluid will return with the introduction of salt into the diet. Complete rejection of salt is impossible, since sodium is necessary for the body. However, two weeks on a salt-free diet is enough to reduce weight and get rid of edema. Prolonged sodium deficiency is harmful and dangerous to health, especially for vegetarians who need to dosalivate vegetable food.

    Observing the timing of the salt-free diet
    It is important to follow the timing of the salt-free diet. Two weeks is enough for weight loss and reduction of swelling. After this period, it is necessary to gradually introduce salt into the diet, giving preference to natural sea salt or iodized salt in regions with iodine deficiency. Compliance with these recommendations will help to maintain health and the results achieved.


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