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  • Pores: secrets of their reduction

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-21 08:48:18

    The problem of enlarged pores on the skin is very familiar to most women. Although men may not pay attention to it, it is important for us women to keep our facial skin free of these unwanted manifestations. Let's take a look at how you can make pores less noticeable and prevent them from occurring.

    The basic rule in the fight against blackheads and enlarged pores is to keep your skin clean. It is recommended that you cleanse your skin at least twice a day and remember to wash off your makeup before going to bed. These are simple steps that can prevent future problems.

    Give your skin a weekly deep cleanse with a scrub to help remove impurities and keratinized cells. It is important to choose a scrub with fine particles so that it effectively cleanses the skin without damaging it.

    Masks are also great for cleansing the skin and shrinking pores. You can use ready-made masks as well as masks made from natural ingredients. However, do not abuse them, carry out the procedure no more than twice a week to avoid over-drying the skin.

    There are special strips for cleaning pores, which can be effective in the fight against black dots, especially in the nose area. Before using the strips, carefully study the instructions and follow them.

    At home, you can prepare effective remedies for narrowing pores. For example, a mask of egg white and lemon juice or a mixture of tomatoes and yogurt. However, it should be remembered that even natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions, so before use, conduct a test on the skin.

    In case home methods do not bring results, turn to professionals. Microdermabrasion or the use of products with tretinoin are procedures that can help make pores less visible and improve skin condition. However, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist before proceeding with them.



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