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  • Women's fears: we understand their essence and manifestations

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-20 08:48:42

    Fear is one of those states that we notice only when it makes our lives more difficult. At other times we seem confident and carefree. However, fear is always with us, like nitrogen in the air, it just manifests itself in different ways, depending on our individual characteristics. In women, fear is often associated with certain situations and phenomena that may be completely harmless for men.

    Where does fear reside?
    Many people think of fear as an emotion that can be controlled because we have control over our feelings. But how do you deal with fear when it comes out of the blue? Before discussing methods of overcoming fear, it is important to understand its nature.

    The origins of fear
    Fear is hidden deep in our subconscious mind. Freud believed that there are two basic instincts fighting in each of us: the instinct of self-preservation and reproduction. All our lives are directed towards maintaining the species and the continuation of the species. Fear is the mechanism here to ensure survival. But as soon as we start fighting it, we risk harming ourselves.

    Women's fears
    In women, fears can have different manifestations. One of them is the fear of loneliness, because the subconscious mind constantly reminds of the need to continue the species. That is why women try to look attractive, watch their appearance and are afraid of signs of aging.

    Fears in the modern world
    With the development of society, new fears have appeared. One of them is the fear of losing a job. This fear is accompanied by fear of failure, failure, and anxiety in front of superiors and coworkers. Women may also experience fears related to everyday moments such as fear of rodents, insects, and others.

    Develop an understanding
    It is important to realize that fears are part of our nature and cannot be completely avoided. However, we can learn to cope with them and prevent them from ruling our lives. By learning and understanding our fears, we can find ways to control and overcome them.


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