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  • Restoring faith: steps to trust after divorce

    Опубликовано: 2024-02-08 08:48:27

    After divorce, regaining faith in men can be a challenge, but it is possible. It is important to realize that a woman's happiness depends on feeling loved and needed. While it may seem difficult to build a new relationship after divorce, it is indeed possible and can be managed.

    There are women whose eyes are full of bitterness, their vocabulary is saturated with anger, and in their hands they hold a banner of distrust in life and, in particular, in men. These ladies are not ready to give themselves joy and happiness because they have shifted the responsibility for their lives to "asshole men". This is convenient, but it's important to realize that you can and should fight it.

    If you truly desire a happy relationship, it will take effort. It can be difficult and painful, but if you aim for happiness, it's worth a try. Otherwise, you can stay in your comfort zone, refusing to change.

    Distrust, by a strange coincidence, can become your usual comfort zone. For change to happen, you need to get out of that zone. The defense mechanisms that women unconsciously employ to avoid change are discussed below.

    The "I Only Count on Serious Relationships" defense

    After divorce, there is often a sense of shattered self-esteem and a lost ability to trust men. Many women are eager to get back into a "serious relationship" because their marriage was a big deal. However, this can be an avoidance of new relationships and a challenge to one's pride.

    It is important to start somewhere new, even if it is painful. Giving up trying and refusing to change may lead to a safe comfort zone, but it is worth the risk for happiness. Recovering from damaged self-esteem and getting back to new skills in dealing with men can take time and effort.

    The "Getting Into an Impossible Relationship" defense

    Many divorced women seek solace in virtual relationships, where attentive questions and understanding can be more important than real-life intimacy. However, these relationships may be predictable and safe, but they don't lead to real change.

    Avoiding new relationships and choosing "impossible connections" may be an attempt to avoid pain and risk. Virtual or unavailable men provide an excuse to reaffirm the belief "you can't trust anyone." It is important to realize that agonizing in a safe comfort zone will not lead to true happiness.

    By making the decision to take risks and step outside of their usual comfort zone, women can begin to rebuild trust and open themselves up to new possibilities. Where to start. Just take a small step to appreciate your beauty and believe again in your capacity for happiness. Good luck restoring your faith and finding true happiness after divorce!


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