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  • Five frequent regrets before death

    Опубликовано: 2024-01-06 08:48:25

    Over the years, I have spent time with dying people, accompanying them through the last weeks of life. these were special moments when each patient experienced a multitude of emotions, including anticipation, fear, anger, remorse, and finally acceptance. they tapped into acceptance with themselves before leaving.

    Before this important step, when one's gaze turns back, common regrets are revealed. here are five of the most common:

    Wanting to be themselves rather than conform to expectations
    The most common regret is not realizing yourself, being who you want to be and not who others want you to be. realizing dreams becomes the key to a satisfied life.

    too much work
    regretting the lost time spent in endless work efforts. realizing that family and friends are more important and that lifestyle changes can be made to find balance.

    Lack of courage in expressing feelings
    Suppressing feelings to please others often leads to illness and dissatisfaction with life. honest and open communication can change relationships and release negative ties.

    Loss of close friendships
    preoccupation with career leads to loss of ties with friends. in the last moments, people realize the value of friendship and regret the lack of attention to it.

    keep yourself from being happy
    Happiness is a choice, but many become entangled in fear of change and habitual patterns of behavior. happiness becomes possible when people free themselves from old habits and give themselves permission to be truly happy.



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