Herpes is a common viral disease that can cause unpleasant and painful rashes on the skin. Along with medical drugs, there are also folk remedies that help to cope with herpes quickly and effectively. Some of them have been passed down from generation to generation and deserve special attention.
One of the simple and effective ways to get rid of herpes is the use of garlic juice. It is enough to smear the affected areas with garlic juice twice a day, and within a few days the disease will begin to recede.
Another effective remedy is a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey, mixed in equal proportions. This composition helps to soften rashes and accelerate the process of their healing.
At the first signs of herpes, it is recommended to apply earwax to the rashes. This simple action, repeated three times a day, can help curb the development of the virus.
Another folk recipe involves the use of freshly squeezed juice from apples, beets, carrots and parsley. This mixture should be consumed one tablespoon seven times a day. It has vitamins and nutrients that help strengthen the immune system and fight the virus.
To treat herpes, you can also use aloe juice, which is applied to rashes externally, as well as a special tincture of St. John's wort and rosehip. To prepare the tincture should be crushed a few pinches of St. John's wort, lureberry root, radiola rosea, four pinches of rose hips, hawthorn fruit and nettle leaves. Then pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and insist for 30 minutes. The tincture should be taken 50 grams before meals.
It should be remembered that when treating herpes with folk remedies, it is important to follow the recipes and do not replace them with professional medical remedies. In case of severe symptoms or if herpes becomes a chronic problem, you should consult a doctor for qualified help.