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  • Fast recovery with bioresonance therapy

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-18 15:28:55

    The human body, every organ and cell has its own electromagnetic radiation, which is inherent in nature. In case of deterioration, dysfunction or pathology, this is reflected in the frequencies of electromagnetic vibrations. Bacteria, viruses and pathogens also have certain electromagnetic waves. Measuring these waves provides a reliable picture of the disease or pathology.

    Basics of bioresonance therapy
    Bioresonance therapy (BRT) is an innovative treatment method based on electromagnetic vibrations that resonate with the body's waves. The basic principle of BRT is inversion. An electrode connected to the body transmits electromagnetic waves to a device. The device compares them with normal spectra and returns normal polarity oscillations to the body, eliminating the pathology. BRI utilizes the body's own resources without resorting to external sources of waves.

    Mechanism of Action
    BRI is a biophysical method that converts pathological electromagnetic vibrations into normal ones and returns them to the patient. The resulting resonance neutralizes the pathological waves, restoring physiological balance. Unlike physiotherapeutic methods, BRT does not affect acupuncture points or electric current. The impact is similar to household contact with electrical appliances, as when talking into a microphone or listening to music with headphones.

    Indications for bioresonance therapy
    BRT is effective in many diseases, its use gives high results. The method is indicated for allergies (bronchial asthma, eczema, pollinosis), pathologies of the nervous system (neuroses, phobias, migraines, radiculitis), diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems (pyelonephritis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis), as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system and endocrine disorders (rheumatism, osteochondrosis, diabetes).

    Limitations of the method
    Despite the wide possibilities, BRI is not a key method in cases of anatomical disorders, intoxications, mental illnesses and deficiencies in the body. For example, in the case of fractures or postoperative sutures, BRI accelerates healing but does not affect the proper fusion of bones. In cases of severe poisoning, BRI is not effective because the toxins inhibit normal waves. In cases of mental disorders and deficiencies of substances (insulin, hormones, vitamins), BRI is used only as an auxiliary method.

    Number of sessions
    BRI shows high results already after the first session. In acute diseases usually three sessions are enough, in chronic diseases - up to 5-10. If a new pathology is detected, one session may be enough. Since 2000 bioresonance therapy has been approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is used as an official method of treatment.

    Bioresonance therapy offers an effective and fast way to restore health using the body's natural resources and the latest medical technologies.


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