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  • What women want: it's important to know

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-06 15:28:28

    Men and women are different, and that's no secret. They have different priorities in relationships, and women's expectations of men can be as diverse as the types of women themselves: young and mature, fat and slim, talkative and silent, beautiful and ordinary.

    However, for all this diversity, there is one constant component of an ideal relationship. Men tend to build relationships with caution and discretion. Women, in turn, treat the choice of a life partner more carefully, presenting a long list of requirements and trying to adjust the man to the ideal of their dreams. But despite the female tendency to talk and find out about relationships, men sometimes find it difficult to understand what women need for complete happiness.

    The secret of women's happiness

    What is it that women want? They just want to be happy! But they rarely talk about it directly. If you learn to speak to a woman in her language, to be silent when you want to answer, to hug when you want to leave, to tell the truth even if it hurts, to be a man in whom she can be confident, and to love her as yourself, you will no longer wonder what women want. They will ask for your desires on their own and be happy to fulfill them.

    Appreciation from others

    It is important for a woman to know that her man attracts the interest of other women. Especially attract men with a slight scandalous flavor and a slightly dubious reputation. A man with a companion (especially beautiful) causes women much more interest than a man who walks on his own. A simple and proven means of getting a woman's attention is to make her jealous. Female rivalry is a great thing!

    Groundedness and stability

    A woman needs stability, order and confidence in the future. She needs a man she can rely on. If you promise to be home by 9pm, be home at 9pm. If you're late, call and let her know. It's hard for men to understand the difference between support and total control. Building a solid relationship foundation and stability doesn't mean unpredictability disappears. Love should not be a crutch, but a support - a strong bond where reliability is synonymous with trust.

    Reliability and protection

    Women want to feel protected by a man. They need to know that everything will be okay. This doesn't mean a man has to be a tall bodybuilder or have millions. It's enough to be able to reassure a woman, take care of her needs and sometimes tell her what she wants to hear - that everything will definitely be okay.

    Love and attention

    Love a woman more than anything else in the world. Demonstrate your love. Prove your love every day, every hour, every minute and every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Become the epitome of love and when solving any problem ask yourself: “What would love do?”. Then fear will have no place in your life.

    Gratitude and compliments

    Women expect expressions of gratitude and compliments, although they often don't show it. Men, more often say compliments to women, give them the opportunity to feel beautiful and desirable. But do not get carried away with cultivating a sense of indispensability. Do not run after a woman with the statement that “without her you have no life”. This looks pathetic and repulsive.


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