Nutrition and mental abilities of children

04 мар, 15:28

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the development of a child's mental abilities, scientists say. Research conducted by Australian specialists from the University of Adelaide has shown that diet at an early age directly affects the level of intelligence in the future. Children who ate healthy food had significantly better results in IQ tests than those who ate fast food and non-diet products.

For eight years, scientists studied the eating habits of 7,000 children, examining their diet at the age of 6, 15 and 24 months. After that, an analysis of their mental abilities was conducted, which showed interesting results. It turned out that children who received healthy nutrition at the age of up to two years, in particular breast milk, legumes, vegetables, cheeses and fruits, had an IQ two points higher than their peers who did not receive such a diet.

One of the important factors that influenced the results of the study was the absence of foods high in sugar and trans fats in the children's diet. For example, those children who regularly received sweets, chocolate and crisps before the age of two showed lower scores on intelligence tests. This discovery highlights the importance of limiting the consumption of “food junk” to support healthy development.

An interesting aspect of the study was the impact of ready-made baby foods on the development of intelligence. As the data showed, children who were accustomed to eating from cans and preserves from an early age had significantly lower IQ scores. Scientists note that the use of ready-made products can affect brain development, since they often contain additives and preservatives that can disrupt the normal functioning of the body.

Thus, healthy nutrition in the first years of life is not just about caring for the child’s physical condition, but also an important factor influencing their mental development. Nutrition rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats contributes to the correct formation of the brain and increased cognitive abilities.

Parents should think about their approach to feeding their children, because their diet at an early age has long-term consequences for their health and development. Proper nutrition from the first months of life can become the key to a successful and bright future for a child.

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