07 фев, 10:00
In January 2025, the average price of a used car in Ukraine reached $6,000, which is $500 more than in a long time. Previously, the average price level on the market was around $5,500.
The increase in the cost of cars is explained by the influx of cheaper offers from traditional trading platforms on the social network. This led to an increase in the share of more expensive cars on the main sales platforms, which affected the overall average cost indicator.
The regions closest to the average level in January 2025 were Rivne ($6,300), Odesa ($6,200), Ternopil ($5,800) and Vinnytsia ($5,700). In these regions, prices remain relatively stable, although they also demonstrate gradual growth.
The highest average prices for used cars are traditionally recorded in economically developed regions with high incomes and an active market for imported vehicles. The leaders remain Kyiv and Kyiv region, where the average cost of a car reached $8,600, which is $200 more than in December. This situation is explained by high demand, the activities of car dealerships and dealers, as well as the significant purchasing power of residents of the capital.
In second place is Lviv region with an average price of a car of $8,000. Lviv traditionally remains an active center for car trade, in particular due to imports from Europe. Transcarpathian region took third place with an average of $6,800. Proximity to the border contributes to the import of cars from abroad, which affects the overall structure of the market and price formation.
High prices in these regions are explained both by economic activity and high incomes of the population, and by geographical location. The availability of international transport routes facilitates the import of cars, providing a wide choice for buyers. At the same time, analysts do not rule out further dynamics of changes in the market depending on the economic situation and demand for used cars.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/577351.html
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