24 янв, 08:48
A seven-day diet is a way to quickly get rid of extra pounds by following a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle. In one week, you can lose 7 kilograms if you follow all the recommendations correctly. The main emphasis is on eating vegetables, fruits and dairy products, as well as giving up sugar and salt.
start of the day: a boost of energy and vitamins
The morning should start with sugar-free lemonade: lemon juice diluted in a glass of water. This drink improves metabolism and starts digestion. Breakfast consists of a fruit salad. To prepare it, choose three fruits from the suggested list: orange, tangerine, pear, apple. Cut them into cubes and season with low-fat yogurt without added sugar.
lunch: nutrition for energy
A portion of vegetable salad is offered for lunch. Use any vegetables except potatoes, seasoning them with lemon juice or a small amount of olive oil. Salt is completely excluded from this diet. Such a light lunch saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, while maintaining a minimum amount of calories.
snacks and dinner
During the day, low-fat kefir is allowed (no more than one liter). Fruit salad and green tea are recommended for dinner. Green tea not only tones, but also contains antioxidants that help improve metabolic processes.
gradual exit from the diet
After a strict seven-day diet, it is important to gradually return to normal nutrition to avoid regaining weight. In the second week, you can add a small portion of lean meat (100 grams) for lunch. It is better to completely give up sugar and salt, not only during the diet, but also in everyday life.
healthy habits for successful weight loss
Regular drinking of water, preferably with lemon, helps to avoid dehydration. Meals should be organized in small portions 5-6 times a day. Complete refusal to eat after 18:00 is the key to success. It is also important to supplement the diet with a vitamin complex and calcium to maintain the health of the body.
active lifestyle and balance
A diet without physical activity loses its effectiveness. Moderate physical activity, walking or exercise significantly speed up the process of losing weight. Remember that a diet is stress for the body. To avoid nervous breakdowns or extremes such as anorexia, do not weigh yourself often. Before starting any diet, be sure to consult a doctor to make sure it is safe for your body.
This seven-day diet, combined with a reasonable approach and an active lifestyle, will help you achieve impressive results in a short time.
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