22 янв, 08:48
Many women face a situation when they agree to sex, although they do not feel like it. You can often hear the phrase: "Let's not have sex today, I have a headache," but why does this happen and how does it affect relationships?
physiological and psychological reasons
Sexual desire in women can decrease for many reasons. One of them is hormonal changes, stress or relationship problems. Unlike male erectile problems, which are most often caused by physical reasons, hypoactive sexual desire in women is often associated with more complex psychophysiological processes. This can be either primary, when a woman did not feel desire at all, or secondary, when sexual desire decreases over time.
Lack of desire is sometimes associated with a specific partner. This can be the result of a bad relationship or dissatisfaction with a partner. In such cases, changing a partner or improving the relationship can restore sexual desire. However, if the reasons lie deeper, such changes may not give the desired result.
Sexual obligations and pressure
Sexual life in a relationship is often perceived as an obligation. Women may feel pressured to satisfy their partner, even if they do not want to. In this case, sex may be perceived as an obligation, and many engage in it for the sake of maintaining harmony in the relationship or out of fear of losing their partner. This is especially true for married women, who may consider sex a necessity to maintain family relationships.
However, if such actions become habitual, it begins to affect the emotional state of the woman. Sex without desire quickly leads to depression, and the relationship can become cold and distant.
Physical risks of unwanted sex
Sex without desire can not only affect the emotional state of a woman, but also have serious physical consequences. Lack of arousal reduces the secretion of natural lubrication, which increases the risk of injury and infection. Sexual acts without proper arousal can cause microcracks in the mucous membrane, which makes the way more open for bacteria and infections.
In addition, due to the lack of discharge, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted, which in the long term can lead to diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Regular lack of orgasm can disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which leads to constant emotional and physical stress.
consequences for the psycho-emotional state
A woman's psychological state also suffers greatly from sex that she does not want. Since unwanted sex does not release endorphins - hormones of happiness, the woman experiences emotional exhaustion and depression. This can lead to neuroses, depression and deterioration of general health.
Unwillingness to have sex often reflects deeper problems in relationships or within the woman herself. Psychological and emotional discomfort caused by such experiences can cause chronic fatigue and bad mood, which aggravates the problem.
how to cope with the situation
Solving the problem with sexual desire requires an integrated approach. If a woman realizes that she does not feel desire for her partner, it is important to understand the reasons for this condition. This may be due to psychophysiological factors, such as stress, hormonal changes or experiences. In such cases, the help of specialists - sexologists or psychotherapists - can be an important step towards restoring health.
If the problem lies in the relationship, it is important to understand the dynamics of the partnership. Often, a change in attitude or an open conversation with a partner about feelings can help relieve tension and restore sexual desire. It is important to remember that lack of desire is not always associated with the physical side, but also with emotional attachment and mutual understanding.
Problems with sexual desire in women are a multifaceted issue that requires a careful approach and understanding of all the causes. This can be both a result of stress and external factors, and a consequence of internal experiences and problems in the relationship. It is important to approach these issues consciously and with an open heart, ready to seek help if it is needed.
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