19 янв, 15:28
Today, more and more attention is being paid to research into toxic compounds called AGE (advanced glycation end products), which have a harmful effect on the body. This indicator evaluates how much a product promotes the formation of glucose compounds with proteins and fats, increasing the risk of inflammatory processes, cardiovascular diseases and accelerating aging. It is generally accepted that the calorie content and fat content of a dish are the main criteria for its health benefits, but a high concentration of AGEs also has a negative impact on health.
AGE compounds are formed during cooking at high temperatures, especially in fried foods such as meat, French fries, pancakes and chips. Frying gives food an appetizing crust, but it is where the largest amount of these harmful compounds is concentrated. The longer and at a higher temperature a dish is cooked, the higher its AGE level. Thus, boiled chicken breast contains 12 AGE units, and fried - five times more.
AGEs cause the greatest harm to blood vessels, causing deposits on the walls of arteries and loss of tissue elasticity. Such changes disrupt the blood supply to organs, which is especially dangerous for people with atherosclerosis, diabetes and hypertension. In the body of diabetics, where more of their own AGEs are formed due to high glucose levels, the negative impact is amplified, and an excess of such compounds can accelerate damage to blood vessels and tissue.
One way to reduce the harm of AGEs is to switch to gentle cooking methods, such as stewing, steaming or baking over low heat. These methods reduce the concentration of toxins, allowing you to preserve the benefits of the dish. At the moment, pharmacists are developing drugs that reduce the harmful effects of AGEs, but they are still undergoing trials, and their mass use is still ahead.
To protect the body from the effects of AGEs, doctors recommend increasing the consumption of antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin B1, which reduces the level of AGE compounds. Carnosine, vitamin C, and the trace element selenium are also useful, and for diabetics, chromium supplements help control sugar levels and reduce cravings for sweets.
Some foods can minimize the impact of toxins on the body. For example, green tea, extra virgin olive oil, and sprouted grains strengthen the body's defenses. Antioxidants found in dark berries, nuts, and green vegetables also help limit the damage of AGEs and maintain overall health.
With all this in mind, it is better to approach food choices consciously, not neglecting information about cooking methods. Reducing the consumption of fried foods and switching to natural foods with a high antioxidant content is one of the simple and effective ways to reduce the impact of harmful AGE compounds on the body.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/576531.html
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