13 янв, 15:28
Varicose veins are a disease in which the venous valves become inflamed, causing blood to stagnate in the vessels. This leads to increased pressure on the walls of the veins and their deformation. The disease most often affects middle-aged people, but recently varicose veins have become increasingly common among young people. What contributes to the development of this disease?
One of the main causes of varicose veins is a sedentary or standing lifestyle. People who spend most of their time in one position, such as hairdressers, teachers and salespeople, are at the greatest risk. Sitting or standing for a long time can cause blood to stagnate in the legs, which will gradually lead to varicose veins.
Excess weight and obesity can also cause the development of the disease. Fat deposits create additional stress on the vessels, which leads to their deformation. Pregnancy, especially in the later stages, also increases the load on the veins, which contributes to the development of varicose veins.
The first signs of varicose veins are "spider veins" - small vascular changes on the skin. This is a signal that the disease has begun to develop, and it is time to take action. If you ignore these symptoms, the disease will progress, and more serious problems with the veins may arise.
Another reason for the appearance of varicose veins can be the wrong shoes. Tight shoes, high heels or shoes with flat soles do not provide the legs with the necessary support and impair blood circulation, which contributes to the appearance of varicose veins.
To prevent the development of varicose veins, it is important to follow a few simple rules. First, try to move more. Regular walking, running and exercise help improve blood circulation. If your work is associated with long periods of sitting or standing, be sure to take breaks and stretch your legs every 30 minutes.
Secondly, watch your diet. Limit the consumption of fatty and smoked foods to avoid weight gain and reduce the load on blood vessels. It is also important to see a doctor in time if you notice the first signs of varicose veins. A specialist will be able to prescribe medications and compression underwear that will help improve the condition of the veins.
Another important point is choosing the right shoes. Wear comfortable shoes with a low or medium heel to avoid excessive pressure on your feet. This will help prevent the development of varicose veins and other diseases.
If varicose veins have developed, there are several treatment methods. Among them are laser therapy, sclerotherapy and vascular surgery. But to avoid serious consequences, it is always better to see a doctor at an early stage of the disease. Timely treatment will help maintain the health of your legs.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/576265.html
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