10 янв, 15:00
In 2024, Ukraine experienced a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks. The government computer emergency response team CERT-UA under the State Service for Special Communications recorded 4,315 cyber incidents, which is 69.8% more than in the previous year, when 2,541 attacks were recorded. This impressive growth indicates a deepening of cyberthreats arising from active military operations and geopolitical factors.
Targets of cyberattacks
The attackers focused their attacks on several key sectors that are of strategic importance for the functioning of the country. Local authorities, government institutions, as well as the security and defense sector were most often hit. Cyberattacks paid special attention to energy infrastructure, commercial organizations, and telecommunications companies. Attacks on these areas can lead to serious disruptions in the operation of critical infrastructures, which threatens national security.
The most common types of cyberattacks
CERT-UA experts note several main types of attacks that have become the most common in 2024. These are the distribution of malicious software, phishing attacks, compromise of accounts and information systems, as well as malicious connections to networks. Attackers use these methods to penetrate protected systems, gain access to important data and disrupt the normal functioning of the infrastructure.
The main goals of cyberattacks
The main goals of attackers remain the theft of sensitive information, destruction of data and disruption of the operation of information systems. According to CERT-UA experts, information related to the plans of the Ukrainian defense forces, data from defense-industrial complex enterprises, as well as materials from government organizations and structures supporting the military are the most valuable for attackers.
Trends in the use of cyber weapons
Experts emphasize that cyber attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure maintain a steady upward trend. This is due to the active use of cyber weapons by the Russian Federation to destabilize the country. Cyberspace remains one of the hottest points of confrontation, which puts the issue of ensuring cybersecurity on the agenda both at the national and international levels.
Methods of combating cyber threats
To achieve their goals, attackers most often use mass mailings of malicious software and phishing emails. These are the most common tools of cyber attacks that allow attackers to penetrate information systems and steal important data. In response to these threats, Ukraine is actively strengthening security measures, introducing the latest technologies and methods of protecting information systems.
Thus, combating cyber threats remains one of the main priorities for Ukraine in the face of modern global challenges.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/576174.html
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