09 янв, 15:28
Studies by Canadian scientists have revealed a curious relationship between the timbre of the voice and the propensity to infidelity. It turned out that men with deep, low voices are more likely to be seen in infidelity. These voices, having a natural magnetism, attract the attention of women, becoming for them a kind of symbol of attraction. And, according to experts, it is sometimes difficult to resist such charms.
The experiment, conducted by researchers, included listening to audio recordings with different male and female voices. Participants were polled about which voices they found most attractive and asked who they thought the owners of these voices might be prone to cheating. The results showed that the low, velvety timbre of the male voice was more often associated with infidelity.
Interestingly, it wasn't just male voices that elicited these associations. Women with voices containing higher notes were also perceived as more likely to cheat. Researchers explain that voice timbre is subconsciously associated with certain character traits, such as confidence, decisiveness or flirtatiousness, which can influence perceptions.
Voice timbre has been found to be not only an indicator of attractiveness, but also a kind of signal of a person's likely intentions. Men and women with such voices may unconsciously use this feature to increase their influence on others. Thus, the voice becomes a communication tool that can not only charm, but also arouse suspicion.
The participants of the experiment also noted that it is important not only to listen to what the partner says, but also to pay attention to the voice in which it is pronounced. The researchers support this point of view, emphasizing that tone and intonation can say more about a person than the words themselves.
To summarize, the scientists concluded that men with deep voices and women with high notes in speech are more likely to be perceived as potentially unfaithful partners. However, it is worth remembering that the timbre of voice is only one of many factors affecting relationships, and one should not make hasty conclusions based only on this indicator.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/576147.html
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