During the two years since the resumption of small privatization, the State Property Fund has implemented 839 successful online auctions

25 окт, 15:00

During the two years since the resumption of small privatization, the State Property Fund of Ukraine has implemented 839 successful online auctions through the "Prozorro.Prodazhi" platform. This brought the state budget 6.65 billion hryvnias of direct revenues, which testifies to the effectiveness of the measures taken. This information was made public by the press service of the Ministry of Economy.

It is important to note that the overall economic effect of privatization far exceeds these figures. The paid value added tax (VAT) in the amount of 1.2 billion hryvnias, as well as the obligations of the new owners to repay the debts of privatized enterprises in the amount of 1.73 billion hryvnias should be added to direct revenues. Thus, the total amount of revenues to the budget from privatization reached 9.58 billion hryvnias.

Economy Minister Yuliya Svyridenko emphasized that even in the conditions of a full-scale war, the resumption of the privatization process has a positive effect on the country's economy. The sale of 99 property complexes of state-owned enterprises brought almost 4 billion hryvnias, which is a significant contribution to the budget.

Small-scale privatization not only provides income to the budget, but also stimulates the attraction of investments, helping businesses to adapt to the difficult conditions of wartime. This process opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs and contributes to the stabilization of the market.

CEO of "Prozorro.Prodazhi" Serhiy But said that after the parliament resumed the privatization of state property in August 2022, 770 out of 839 auctions (approximately 92%) were conducted to increase the price, which indicates the success of English auctions. This confirms the growing interest in assets that are put up for sale.

In addition, through the Dutch auctions to reduce the price, the state was able to sell the property for more than 138 million hryvnias, which is 7 million hryvnias higher than the starting price. This testifies to the effectiveness of this mechanism, because the sale was carried out almost 105 times higher than the minimum price that was expected at the beginning of the auction.

Thus, the results of the restoration of small privatization in Ukraine are impressive, and the process continues to have a positive effect on the economic situation in the country.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/572893.html

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