Switzerland provides Ukraine with new heavy demining machines

21 окт, 10:00

Ukraine continues to receive international aid to fight the consequences of military actions, in particular in the field of humanitarian demining. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation handed over a modern GCS-200 heavy demining machine to Ukraine. The official transfer of the equipment took place during the Conference on Mine Action in Ukraine (UMAC-2024), which took place on October 17-18 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

This information was confirmed by the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The GCS-200 machine is remotely controlled and is designed to clear areas of mines at a depth of up to 30 cm. It is equipped with interchangeable modules that ensure safe disposal of explosive objects. Equipment of this class significantly increases the efficiency of demining and the safety of sappers working in the field.

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ihor Bezkaravainy expressed gratitude to Switzerland for its contribution to humanitarian demining. He noted that support is provided not only through the supply of equipment, but also through the transfer of expert knowledge, which helps Ukraine to successfully implement joint projects in this area. Each new demining machine increases the capabilities of the deminers and contributes to the creation of safe conditions for the local population.

In addition to the transfer of equipment, Switzerland remains one of Ukraine's main partners in demining. In total, the country has already financed projects worth more than 134 million dollars. In addition to technical support, considerable attention is paid to the training of Ukrainian sappers and the preparation of the local population for safe behavior in mined areas.

Swiss specialists also take an active part in the development of new approaches to humanitarian demining, which helps Ukraine to more quickly clear territories and restore economic activity on liberated lands. This is an important component in the process of reconstruction after hostilities.

Thus, international support from Switzerland and other partners helps Ukraine to gradually clear the territories of mines, which remains critically important for the security and further recovery of the country.

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