The first solar and wind energy water purification station will be launched in Mykolaiv

10 окт, 10:00

The first water purification station, which will function due to the energy of the sun and wind, will soon start operating in Mykolaiv. This project is innovative for the city and promises to significantly increase the efficiency of water supply, as well as reduce dependence on traditional energy sources.

The Mykolayiv City Council informed about this, noting that the initiative will be implemented thanks to the support of the public organization "Youth of Ukraine" and DCA. The newest water treatment plant using renewable energy sources will be a pilot for the city, after which its implementation experience will be extended to other municipal facilities.

The first station will be installed on the basis of the Mykolaivelectrotrans utility company. This will allow testing all technical aspects, including the efficiency of using solar and wind energy, possible shortcomings in maintenance and ensuring stable operation. The results of the experiment will help determine a further plan for the implementation of such stations in other parts of the city.

Yuriy Smetana, director of Mykolaivelectrotrans, emphasized the importance of this initiative, as the company has been distributing purified water to city residents for several years. He noted that periodic power outages became a challenge for uninterrupted water supply, and earlier diesel generators were used to overcome these problems.

"Thanks to the new solar and wind-powered plant, we will not only be able to save significantly on costs, but also ensure complete autonomy and stability in water treatment. This will help us avoid disruptions in work due to power outages," – stressed Smetana.

It is expected that this project will be an important step towards the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies in Mykolaiv and increasing the energy independence of the city's communal infrastructure. In the future, it is planned to install such stations in other communal facilities, which will ensure continuous water supply even in difficult conditions.

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