How to achieve royal posture

06 окт, 08:48

The fall season can bring not only moping, but also stiffness in the shoulders and back. However, maintaining perfect posture and energizing yourself for the whole day is quite realistic if you stick to a regular exercise program. In this article, you will find simple but effective exercises that will help you make your back beautiful and improve your posture.

Squaring your shoulders

Let's start with a simple exercise to warm up the back and shoulders, which is known to many since Soviet times. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms up, spread them slightly apart and start slowly rotating your arms in a circle. At first, rotate backward, trying to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Hold for a few seconds at the top point and stretch upwards, standing on your toes.

After ten rotations, hold with your arms raised and start forward rotations. Spread your shoulders first, then mimic a rowing motion, remembering to arch your back back slightly. This exercise helps improve blood circulation in your shoulders and strengthens your back muscles. Start slowly, gradually increasing the speed and number of repetitions as you get used to it.

Exercise to improve posture

The next exercise is similar to archery. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms along your body. While squatting slightly, straighten your right leg and extend your right arm forward, bending your left arm at the elbow. Imagine that you are holding a bow and pull it taut, opening your shoulder muscles. Then switch sides, shifting your weight to your right leg and straightening your left arm.

It's important to keep your arms parallel to the floor and make sure you maintain proper posture. Perform this exercise in front of a mirror to control the technique and avoid mistakes. Gradually increase the execution time and the number of repetitions to achieve better results.

Chair exercise

This exercise from yoga is very effective for strengthening the back. Sit in the “chair” pose - bend your legs, keeping your back straight and arms stretched out in front of you. You can add weights by rising up on your toes. After a few minutes in this pose, lower your arms down, relax your hands and lean forward, reaching your hands toward the floor.

If you want to make the exercise more difficult, do a bend with your hands locked behind your back. This will help stretch your lower back and strengthen your back. Bend gently to avoid straining the lumbar region. For added effect, you can perform this exercise with your arms extended upwards, supporting your lower back with one hand.

Pretzel exercise

To improve flexibility and posture, a sitting exercise that resembles a pretzel pose is ideal. Bend your left leg at the knee and place your right leg behind your left knee. Unfold your body, leaning on your straight arms, and try to straighten your back. This exercise stretches not only your back but also your neck, so perform it carefully.

If you find it difficult to hold this position, you can perform simpler variations of the exercise, such as sitting on a chair and performing body rotations. You can even do this at your workplace by simply sitting on a chair and turning around over your shoulder. The key is to avoid sudden movements and listen to your body.


To maintain a beautiful posture and a healthy back, do these exercises regularly. Start with simple ones and gradually move on to more complex variants. Don't forget about warming up and stretching to avoid injuries and lactic acid buildup in your muscles. Good posture is not only a sign of confidence, but also the key to the health of your back.

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