International insurance Green card: innovation from 2025

01 окт, 10:00

From 2025, there will be changes in the conditions of international insurance for Ukrainian drivers, which will affect the process of obtaining Green Card insurance policies. This became known according to the notification of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU).

Starting from 2025, insurance companies in Ukraine will have the opportunity to independently set the amount of the insurance premium for international Green Card insurance policies. This decision will be based on internal risk assessment criteria and other market factors, which will make pricing more competitive.

According to the new law on motor vehicle, adopted in June 2024, the validity of international insurance contracts "Green Card" will not start earlier than the next day after their conclusion. This means that drivers will need to issue an insurance certificate in advance before planning trips abroad.

One of the key innovations is the transition to the electronic format of the Green Card. From the beginning of 2025, all member countries of the system will be obliged to recognize digital insurance certificates. This will simplify the verification procedure for drivers and reduce the risks of document forgery.

The MTSU emphasizes the importance of pre-registration of insurance policies, because in the absence of relevant information in the Unified Centralized Database, the "Green Card" may be invalidated. This may lead to the impossibility of crossing the border without the necessary insurance coverage.

The implementation of these changes aims not only to simplify the process of obtaining a "Green Card" for drivers, but also to make the international insurance system more transparent and protected from possible manipulations.

Overall, the new Green Card insurance rules, which will come into effect from early 2025, open up new opportunities for drivers, but will require more attention and advance planning before traveling abroad.

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