How to Make Hair Smooth and Silky with a Hair Wrap

27 сен, 15:28

Hair wrapping is a popular procedure that allows you to make your hair smooth and silky. Many people think that it is only suitable for coarse hair, but in fact, it can be used for any type. This process takes only a few minutes, and the effect lasts a long time, leaving your hair well-groomed and soft. In this article, we will tell you how to properly wrap your hair at home.

The first step is deep conditioning. To ensure that the wrap gives maximum results, it is recommended to use the conditioner twice. Choose a product that suits your hair type and apply it evenly along the entire length from roots to tips. Deep conditioning will make your hair more manageable and moisturized, which is the basis for a successful wrap.

After the conditioner has been absorbed, you need to prepare your hair for the next step. To do this, use large hot curlers. They will help add volume to your hair and create the necessary airy texture. Twist the curlers onto your hair and leave them in for a while to set the effect. Remember that the curlers are not there to create curls, but to make it easier to straighten your hair.

Then blow dry your hair using the lowest temperature. This is important to avoid over-drying or damaging your hair. The drying process should be thorough but gentle, especially if you have fine or weak hair. Once your hair is dry, remove the curlers, being careful not to disturb the smoothness of your curls.

After drying, apply a leave-in conditioner. This is the second stage of conditioning, which will set the result. It is important to choose a product that will not weigh your hair down or leave a feeling of dampness. A leave-in conditioner will provide additional protection and ensure a long-lasting effect from the procedure. Spread the product along the entire length of your hair, paying special attention to the ends.

Now comes the main stage of wrapping. Take a plastic food wrap and carefully wrap your head, including the forehead. This will help retain heat, which will enhance the effect of the conditioner. For greater effectiveness, you can use a hair dryer with a hood or warm up your head with a hair dryer for 20 minutes. After that, remove the film and evaluate the result - your hair should become smooth, soft and silky.

To maintain the effect for a long time, it is recommended to wrap your hair with a silk scarf before going to bed. This will prevent friction against the pillow and allow your hair to remain smooth for several days.

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