Secrets of the French Art of Love

25 сен, 15:28

French women have long earned a reputation as the best lovers in the world, and their approach to intimate life is truly unique. Their views and practices may differ from the generally accepted ones, but there is something special about it. Let's consider what rules they follow to create the perfect atmosphere of passion and romance.

The first rule is natural beauty. French women prefer to leave makeup for special occasions and believe that true attractiveness lies in naturalness. Instead of hiding skin imperfections under makeup, they focus on taking care of their health and natural beauty. In their world, being real is more important than being perfect.

The second rule is honesty in desires. French women are not afraid to speak openly about their desires and preferences. If they need something, they will say it directly, without trying to hint. This direct approach helps to avoid misunderstandings and makes intimate relationships more honest and satisfying.

The third rule is self-confidence. French women believe in their attractiveness and do not allow complexes to control their lives. They treat themselves with respect and pride, which allows them to enjoy every moment of their sexuality without dwelling on physical shortcomings.

The fourth rule is romance. French women love to bring elements of romance into their intimate moments. This can be a new location for a date, an interesting melody or an unusual dish. Any element can become a reason to create a special mood.

The fifth rule is the importance of underwear. For French women, underwear is not just an item of clothing, but a part of sexual pleasure. They spend a significant part of their income on buying beautiful and high-quality underwear, which adds confidence and attractiveness.

The sixth rule is the attitude to excess weight. Although French women are known for their slimness, they do not limit themselves to strict diets, but prefer to enjoy life and sex. This allows them to maintain a balance between food and intimate life.

The seventh rule is age and sexuality. In France, age is not a barrier to sexual activity. Women believe that sexual desire only increases with age, and try not to let everyday worries affect their intimate relationships.

The eighth rule is the art of French kissing. French women are proud of their ability to kiss and consider this art an integral part of romantic interaction. For them, kissing is a way to express passion and affection.

The ninth rule is following your preferences. French women value their personal desires above fashion trends. They are not afraid to adhere to traditional practices and positions if they bring them pleasure, ignoring external pressures and trends.

The tenth rule is a love of erotic cinema. French women are not shy about watching erotic films and using them as a source of inspiration. This allows them to discover new facets of their sexuality and enjoy their intimate life.

Following these rules, French women know how to enjoy every moment of their intimate life, creating a special atmosphere full of passion, romance and confidence.

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