Tickling fetish: subtleties and secrets of pleasure

24 сен, 08:48

Tickling is an unusual and intriguing manifestation of a sexual fetish, which consists of receiving pleasure or even orgasm from tickling. This trend is gradually gaining popularity and attracting more and more people who want to experience new sensations. There are several roles in this hobby: tickles are those who are tickled, ticklers are those who tickle, and switches are those who do not mind trying both roles.

Tickling can be much more diverse than it seems at first glance. Ticklers use a variety of objects for tickling: not only fingers and nails, but also pens, combs, brushes and even special devices from sex shops, such as feathers or fur tails. Moreover, handcuffs that tickle the wrists have also become a popular element of this fetish. Laughing until orgasm is not just a phrase, but a real goal that many tickling fans strive for.

The history of tickling as a fetish goes back to the 90s, when the first video of a naked woman being tickled appeared in the USA. In Russia, this movement began to develop in 2001, when an enthusiast named Tickler created his own website dedicated to this topic. Over time, the fetish spread beyond Russia, establishing connections with tickling lovers from Belarus, Ukraine, Israel and Western Europe.

Like any other sexual fetish, tickling can be both an innocent hobby and a deep passion that requires mastering various tickling techniques. For some, it becomes a powerful way of arousal and a prelude to the main act. There are various tickling techniques, each of which brings special sensations.

Ticklers usually start with the most sensitive areas, such as the feet, armpits and sides. One of the popular techniques is the poke, which involves gently sticking several fingers into sensitive points of the body. Scratcher, another technique, involves alternating and light touching of sensitive areas without breaks, which can be enhanced by using long nails or special devices. Driver is a technique when the tickler lightly touches the partner's entire body, starting from the legs and ending with the stomach. Overtickling is a tactic similar to poking, but with more frequent and sharp movements of the fingers on the skin.

Ticklers also share their secrets that help make the tickling process more enjoyable and longer. For example, you should not overdo it around the toes, as this is the most sensitive area, and the tickler can quickly get tired. It is best to tickle the ribs with light movements, avoiding strong pressure. It is recommended to tickle the armpits separately, and the neck should not be tickled for a long time, as sensitivity in this area quickly decreases. If the tickler is tired, you can turn her over on her stomach and warm up the waist and shoulder blades - this will help renew arousal.

Tickling is a fun way to spice up your sex life, opening up new dimensions of pleasure. Properly chosen techniques and attention to your partner can turn this fetish into an unforgettable and enjoyable experience for both participants.

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